In collecting together all the reviews of A Vision itself and A Packet for Ezra Pound, I have relied on K. P. S. Jochum’s invaluable bibliography; his section of reviews of books by Yeats (Section G) in turn refers to Wade’s bibliography: W149 (A Vision A), W163 (A Packet for Ezra Pound), W191/192 (A Vision B, British and US editions). For some years there were a few gaps on this page, but these have now been filled, and all of the reviews on Jochum's list are available here, though rearranged into chronological order.
The texts are given in a form as close to that of the originals as possible, so that I have not standardised variations of punctuation or italicisation. Only the page-layout, column-arrangement, and consequent hyphenation at the ends of lines have been dispensed with. Any ellipsis included is that of the originals, not editing here. These reviews are journalism, so there are inevitable inconsistencies and odd errors; since some of the reviews include ‘sic’, the misprints I have reproduced for accuracy's sake have been indicated in red ‘[sic]’. The quotations from Yeats are given as they appear in the review, and there are some errors here too. As for actual material errors, A.E.’s review does, for instance, count thirty phases in Yeats’s System and Mary Colum does call Creative Mind and Body of Fate the Knower and the Unknown, but these are not commented on.
These reviews are intended as a scholarly resource, so I have been very careful in the transcription and checking, but if you wish to use them and are unsure about the accuracy of any detail e-mail me and I can check again against the originals—increasingly many of them are available online or on library databases.
Each review is on a separate webpage; at the end of the list, however, there is a link to a collected version (265Kb), which may be more readily searchable. The search engines at the bottom search the whole site, but the pages of the reviews are all of the format Gnnn, with the exception of Edmund Wilson’s review which starts CB, since it was substantially included in his book Axel’s Castle.
A Vision A (Wade 149) | |||||
13 February 1926 | The Irish Statesman | review | AE | text | G482 |
27 March 1926 | The New Statesman | ‘The Visionary Yeats’ | anon. | text | G479 |
22 April 1926 | The Times Literary Supplement | ‘Mr. Yeats’s Occultism’ | [de Selincourt] | text | G481 |
October 1926 | The Quest | ‘A Vision’ | [G. R. S. Mead] | text | G480 |
October 1926 | Adelphi | short notice | anon. | text | G478 |
16 January 1929 | New Republic | ‘Yeats’s Guide to the Soul’ | Edmund Wilson | text | CB527 |
A Packet for Ezra Pound (Wade 163) | |||||
7 September 1929 | The Irish Statesman | review | AE | text | G553 |
18 September 1929 | Commonweal | ‘Mr. Yeats’s Trivia’ | Seán O’Faoláin | text | G551 |
4 December 1929 | The Nation | ‘Mr. Yeats’s Kubla Khan’ | Seán O’Faoláin | text | G552 |
A Vision B (Wade 191 & 192) | |||||
18 October 1937 | The Scotsman | ‘Mr. Yeats’s Vision: Messages of the “Communicators”’ | Edwin Muir | text | G791 |
November 1937 | Ireland To-day | ‘Mummy Is Become Merchandise’ | Cecil Ffrench Salkeld | text | G798 |
November 1937 | The London Mercury | ‘Mr. Yeats’s Metaphysical Man’ | Seán O’Faoláin | text | G792 |
2 November 1937 | The Irish Independent | ‘Invisible Beings Communicated with Mr. Yeats, He Says’ | R[oibeárd] O F[aracháin] | text | G787 |
8 November 1937 | The Irish News | ‘Mr. W. B. Yeats’s Latest Book’ | C. E. | text | G785 |
9 November 1937 | The Liverpool Daily Post | ‘Beyond the Normal’ | O[liver] E[dwards] | text | G786 |
15 November 1937 | Boekenschouw | ‘Het visioen van William Butler Yeats’ | Jos[eph] Panhuysen | text | G793 |
19 November 1937 | The Cambridge Review | ‘Yeats’s Mysticism’ | J. Bronowski | text | G781 |
19 November 1937 | The Spectator | ‘The Source of Poetry’ | Michael Roberts | text | G797 |
4 December 1937 | Time and Tide | ‘Staring at Miracle’ | Charles Williams | text | G801 |
8 December 1937 | The Listener | review | anon. | text | G775 |
20 January 1938 | The New English Weekly | review | anon. | text | G776 |
22 January 1938 | The New Statesman | review | anon. | text | G777 |
22 January 1938 | The Illustrated London News | review | C. E. B. | text | G778 |
4 February 1938 | The Church of Ireland Gazette | review | anon. | text | G774 |
March 1938 | New Verse | ‘Thy Chase Had a Beast in View’ | G. E. G[rigson] | text | G788 |
March-April 1938 | Poetry Review | ‘A Poet’s Dream’ | H. T. Hunt Grubb | text | G789 |
12 March 1938 | The Saturday Review | ‘Speculations of a Poet’ | William Rose Benét | text | G780 |
13 March 1938 | The New York Times Book Review | ‘W. B. Yeats Expounds His “Heavenly Geometry”’ | Horace Reynolds | text | G795 |
25 March 1938 | The Commonweal | ‘Doom’ | Michael Williams | text | G802 |
April 1938 | Criterion | review | Stephen Spender | text | G799 |
April 1938 | Forum and Century | ‘A Poet’s Philosophy’ | Mary M. Colum | text | G783 |
20 April 1938 | New Republic | ‘Yeats’s Vision’ | Edmund Wilson | text | G803 |
23 April 1938 | Boston Evening Transcript | ‘Poetry Now’ | John Holmes | text | G790 |
May-June 1938 | Les Langues Modernes | review | A. Rivoallan | text | G796 |
8 May 1938 | New York Herald Tribune Books | ‘Bones of a Poet’s Vision’ | Babette Deutsch | text | G784 |
Summer 1938 | Yale Review | ‘Through Frenzy to Truth’ | Kerker Quinn | text | G794 |
July-September 1938 | Études Anglaises | review | M. L. Cazamian | text | G782 |
9 July 1938 | The Nation | ‘Lend a Myth to God’ | Eda Lou Walton | text | G800 |
March 1939 | Philosophical Review | review | R. C. Bald | text | G779 |
  | |||||
Collected Reviews | text | (265KB) |